Tenant improvement for Rubino Estates Winery in Pleasanton. Improvements included, new tasting room area and winery production area improvements.
Project Archive
Construction of 6,268 sq/ft ground up winery and tasting room and associated onsite and offsite improvements. Improvements included new tasting room bar area and winery production processing area.
Construction of new ground up 20,000 sq/ft event center and associated onsite and offsite improvements. Improvements included 3,500 sq/ft commercial kitchen, large restroom bank and stone and masonry interior improvements.
Construction of new 4,800 sq/ft ground up winery tasting room for Ruby Hill Winery. Improvements included, patio area, tasting room bar, deli area and offices.
Construction of Class 10,000 Clean Room for manufacturing facility in Livermore.
Demo of 20,000 sq/ft of existing office build out and construction of new tile and stone show room and offices. Improvements included 7,000 sq/ft of concrete parking lot replacement for truck loading area.
Construction of new Quickly store, project included new kitchen hood, commercial kitchen and remodel of existing warm shell space.
Construction of new truck dock on existing building. Project included, cutting in of new roll up door, relocation of PG&E gas lines, storm drain pump system, excavation of new dock pit and addition of new truck loading overhang.
Construction of 5,000 sq/ft Tennat Improvement including new restroom bank and warehouse improvements.
Construction of new 4,000 sq/ft two story office, project included Geo Thermal HVAC system.